I, the moon

                     Can you reflect me?

We heard the sirens,

                     Yet stayed in.

Do you want to find out?

                 Then close your eyes, the moon said.

And I listened. Almira.

I can hear her voice.

She smiles inside of me

With all purity.

But then I open my eyes, and she is


Where is she?

We heard the sirens again.

Hesitation, with full of curiosity.

I didn’t call the moon this time.

It reflected on me,

I heard Almira again,

Without closing my eyes.

But this time

I could hear her from

My own mouth

warm, smiling:

                  ‘Almira, It’s me.’

Long long time ago,

The ashes of the grand tree went under the earth,

And slowly disappeared, as the pirate bird opened her eyes,

Those eyes were closed and now

they are wide open,

They used to look down from the clouds, but they were not able to comprehend the shapes,

Nor colours, nor the plants, and animals…

The ashes of the grand tree had to

Mix to the earth, so they could awake the bird.

The bird is alive not to stay still; she is here to fly and see

With her eyes wide open, Dwelling into the ocean.

She feels sensitive and strong at the same time.

She cries a lot, she laughs a lot.

No. Her feelings are not black and white, as sadness and happiness.

There are hundreds of feelings, human beings have evolved through defining them.

Language makes things, feelings, valuable, and it diminishes them at the same time.

The ones that can feel and control, are the ones that are smart.

Real goodness in a human being comes from the intellect


As it is a choice, and it requires great thinking to decide for the man whether he wants to be a giver or a taker, and without thought, some of us swim in between.

What does it mean to be a ‘giver’?

To let go the desire of the ego. One that loves themselves can love the others.

Almira, the form, I want to embrace.

The giver inside of me, Almira.

She has been in conflict with herself, and now, she has the awareness to grow, plant seeds and give them water.

My granddaughter, Almira, I had only met you when you were a newborn baby. When I first looked into your eyes, I felt my eyes. I felt you were so close to me,

But you were braver. We met when your dad brought you to me to show. But then you were taken away, your mom and dad did not return.

But I never felt like losing you.

We had lost so many people when the war became naked. We were forced to leave our homes.

Many many times. Almira, you are the bridge between spirit and order. You have tasted both, all we want is unity.

You can be the voice.

I wish, selfishly, to have known you for all those years. But my selfishness, I buried it. I felt it was in your path to be taken away.

You had to live the modern way, live life through the rules of the society, family and institutions.

So you could embody them, inspire them. Spread them the spirit, the channel that has been open in you since you were born.

Be, my granddaughter, just be as you are, as it comes.

Listen to the wind,

Your grandmother

I am a traveller by heart. Gypsy. My other said, don’t touch. But I have never been touched from my heart. Let them let us dance. Let us make honey. Who am I? Almira. During the moon solstice, the red circle that appears in the sky. What is that mean? Can I be someone else? Can I be Nuran, Zeynep, Elizabeth or Marilyn? Can I breathe in the 21st century, but live in the 19th century? Can I be a mother, be the youngest child and a lover? Land by land. All different lands, no settlement. Who are we? Gipsies? We don’t want to own, we want to share. I open my eyes, I am in my comfortable bed, my warm breakfast ready. Where are they? I cannot any longer be a dreamer, I need to do something, even you don’t let me xxx. I know that you are trying to protect me, us. Because there are rules, the war. They are forced to leave. We have to fight. It’s not about winning, there are no winners in after-life. There are the ones that become a flower, and the ones that live in limbo.

Questioning my own truth. Is my intuition my truth?

Or is it a product of my… human operation?

Emotion, feeling – products of behaviour – Action – Event – change – Storyline of the Journey – within given circumstances – limited and unlimited within.

Intellectualising too much, getting away from the impulse. The raw emotion.

Letting the raw emotion, impulse, 


then forgetting about intellectualising.

Which one is the truth? The balance or the raw?

The rawness of a child, honesty of a child.

But the adult is judged or being accused of being a child.

Remain a child within caring and responsibility

Responsibility of existence and knowing that you exist beyond.

Restless souls we are, the ones that are alive.


Constantly burning,

All it needs is a trigger to be


This evening, when the body is

About to collapse, but the soul

The soul is expanded, yet limited with the biology

Of the body. Make your body as reflective, as transparent

To your soul.

If you are a restless soul,

Then have a shape that you can remain restlessness.

It is not about how much what you do,

It is about how deep you can dig it in.